
How to wear bold prints- Printed suit

Bold prints have been everywhere for a while now. That makes me happy because to know me is to know how much I love beautiful prints and bright colors. I love mixing themwear them with neutrals or full on like my outfit today. As far as I am concerned bold prints add a lot of personality to my boring outfits.

Yes, I get it not everyone is a fan, some might even argue that fat/curvy/plus size women should stay away from it. Guess what? Fashion is all about experimenting, stepping out of your comfort zone and having fun.I am aware that a lot of you love your blacks, greys, and white, but want to I dare you to spice things up a bit and try something different.

Fall is the best time to add a bit of print to your wardrobe as the colors tend to be on the darker side. If wearing full prints on prints or mixing prints is not your jam, start with something very simple to get your feet wet.

  •  Start with your easy to pair bold prints such animal print, gingham, and plaid ( See how I wore a plaid top and animal print skirt here)
  • Opt for one staple print piece like a pants, skirt or even shoes and keep the rest of your outfit neutral
  • Elevate your black or gray outfit instantly by adding a colorful printed scarf
Plus size printed suit- how to wear bold prints
I picked up this gorgeous suit with the intention of wearing it during the Toronto Women’s Fashion Week. Unfortunately, I did not make it to the shows for personal reasons. Both pieces can be worn on their own or with other pieces, but just had to wear them together cause that’s the kind of girl I am. You can barely notice it in the photos but it comes with a belt and has pockets too.  I bought mine full price because I just had to have it, thankfully you do not have to- find it on sale here   

Assa cisse wearing a bold printed

My bag is from Marshalls. Linked to some options below

What do you think about bold prints? Is it a yes or no for you?

The last time I wore a full printed suit 

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